Formed on October 4, 1937, the Hawaii Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers is the local Section of the national ASCE organization, which includes some 150,000 members worldwide.  

The mission of the Hawaii Section is to develop leadership, advance technology, advocate lifelong learning, and promote the profession throughout our State.  Hawaii Section activities include promoting civil engineering in local grade schools, providing affordable technical seminars, providing technical assistance to government entities, supporting the University of Hawaii Student Chapter and the Hawaii Section Younger Member Forum, fundraising for scholarships, honoring individuals and notable civil engineering projects in Hawaii, and supporting the civil engineering profession in the State Legislature. 

Message from the President Eric Tomishima, S.E., M.ASCE


I am honored to be able to serve as your Section President for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. 

This year, my main goal is to focus on collaboration with our Younger Member Forum (YMF) and Student Chapter. As we look towards the future of our profession, we need to leverage the knowledge and experience from our lifetime members to guide and cultivate the fresh ideas from our energetic YMF and Student Chapter.

As we do every year, we will continue to support our YMF. I encourage you to check out their website and join their email list to keep up to date with all their networking, outreach events, and fundraisers they are doing. Please visit their site for more information. https://ascehawaiiymf.org/ We will also focus our support on the Student Chapter as they host the 2024 Pacific Southwest Student Symposium in Hawaii. This will be the third time in the Student Chapter’s history that the competition will be held in Hawaii. When I was a student attending the University of Hawaii (UH) in 2009, the competition was last held here. I have fond memories of being a captain in the steel bridge competition and I was so grateful for all the help that was provided to us by all the Alumni. So, in order to pay it forward, the Executive Committee will be providing our full support to the Student Chapter. I humbly ask that all our members also provide their full support to the UH students as they welcome the students from various student chapters from region 9. Please visit their site for more information. http://asceuhm.weebly.com/


Lastly, please take some time to learn what Region 8 and the Hawaii Section have been doing together by visiting their website.   We are proud to be a part of Region 8 because “Region 8 is great!” We have a great Executive Committee and dedicated committee chairs. I want to acknowledge and thank them all for their continued dedication to and support of ASCE and the Hawaii Section! 

Mahalo, and I look forward to serving you!

Eric Tomishima, P.E., M.ASCE
ASCE Hawaii Section President

2024 Hawaii Section Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (OCEA) Award

See who won the OCEA Award for 2023 hosted at the Koolau Ballroom.



The latest information for the ASCE Hawaii Section can be found below.


Join the ASCE Hawaii Section and become a member of our active community of Engineers.